PerfectIt 5 – from go to whoa
Combines Introduction to PerfectIt 5 and Advanced PerfectIt 5
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Do you want to save time and improve the quality of your editing? If so, you need PerfectIt! Don't worry if you're not sure what PerfectIt is or how you might use it in your work. Together, these two courses will take you from complete beginner to confident PerfectIt user, able to use PerfectIt to save time, improve the quality of your work and have more confidence in the changes you make.
This bundle includes:
- Introduction to PerfectIt 5, which explains what PerfectIt is and how it can help you to edit faster and more accurately, it also illustrates how to make PerfectIt even better using the program's style sheets
- Advanced PerfectIt 5, which takes you through the process of modifying the settings for PerfectIt 5 – it is based on a scenario in which you create, apply and amend a detailed style sheet.
You can take these courses using the trial version of PerfectIt. And if you decide to buy the program, the course comes with a discount for 15% off the price of a subscription to PerfectIt (PerfectIt 5 and PerfectIt Cloud).
Master PerfectIt with convenient online learning
Proceed through the learning modules when it suits you, and see how your skills improve when you apply each new lesson to your work.
• Become confident in using PerfectIt to produce high-quality edited documents faster than if you only used manual techniques.
• See how tailoring style sheets to the style preferences of different clients can make you a sought-after editor.
All from the comfort of your desk!
My how-to video tutorials give you a shortcut to learning the software, with practical examples of PerfectIt in action. In no time at all you will be applying your new skills to boost your editing services.
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Hilary. I have been a technical editor since 1999, and a trainer since 2005. I am passionate about helping fellow editors to save time and improve the quality of their work by becoming confident with technology.