Advanced PerfectIt 5
Get the most from PerfectIt 5 by learning how to create and modify style sheets
Learn how to make PerfectIt faster and more effective
If you’ve been using PerfectIt in Microsoft Word, you’ll know how much time it saves in your editing work. This course will help you to save even more time and gain more confidence in your work, as you learn how to create and modify PerfectIt style sheets for your clients.
This course requires a working knowledge of PerfectIt. If you're new to PerfectIt, just head over to the Introduction to PerfectIt 5 or the PerfectIt 5 – from go to whoa course.
PerfectIt 5 launched in August 2021, with a style sheet for the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS). This course includes a module on the CMOS style sheet, explaining what's different about it and how to get the most from it.
PerfectIt's so easy to use, why do I need this course?
Wondering whether it’s worth improving your PerfectIt skills? Maybe the basics of PerfectIt have served you well up till now.
That’s the benefit of this course – having used PerfectIt since 2009, I appreciate how powerful this software can be. Yes it saves you time, but it also opens up ways to work efficiently and creatively with a range of clients who use different styles. Mastering style sheets in PerfectIt creates more potential for your editing business. In just 60–90 minutes, my video tutorials give you the skills to create, modify and implement PerfectIt style sheets. By the end of the course, you will be all set to use your new skills to boost the services you offer and have more confidence in your work.
can take this course using the trial version of PerfectIt. And if you
decide to buy the program, the course comes with a discount for 15% off
the price of a subscription to PerfectIt (PerfectIt 5 and PerfectIt
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Hilary. I have been a technical editor for more than 20 years.
Initially, I worked for a small business, then I went freelance in 2009.
I have also been delivering training since 2005. I used to struggle
with Word, but seeing my colleagues working effectively with the program
spurred me to get my own skills up to scratch. Now, I love helping my
fellow editors to work faster and more effectively.